Thursday, November 20, 2014

Monday & Tuesday / Wednesday 17-19 November

Class was focused on the study of Federalism.

The following project was assigned, and the class studied and prepared for the project and a test on the same material that will be due next week:

You are to create a project that demonstrates that you know and understand how the concept of Federalism affects the structure and function of our government, and impacts you and others as citizens. Much of this information is available in a basic form in your text on pages 88-95.

Your project can be visual; graphic, or in the form of a well structured essay (with or without graphics).

This assignment is due on the 25th or 26th of November (whichever day you have class and before you leave for Thanksgiving break. This is a major assignment worth 100 summative points.

There will be a test on the same material on the last day before the Thanksgiving break.

Your project should include an explanation and examples of:
A) Federalism
B) Examples of the various levels of government (students wishing to exceed will include information about relevant elected officials at each level)
C) Delegated Powers; Concurrent Powers; and Reserved Powers (students wishing to exceed will include Expressed Powers; Implied Powers; Inherent Powers)
D) The Supremacy Clause

E) The Role of the Supreme Court in maintaining Federalism and the Constitution

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