Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tuesday / Wednesday 12 / 13 May

Class worked through several lessons that help students understands the goals of the next unit:

"Making Personal Financial Decisions"
The unit will focus on the following concepts and skills:




Graphing and analyzing compounding interest and growth
Calculating Return on Investment (ROI)

The class was given the following initial vocabulary list and some information about some of the first words:
Budget: A financial plan; includes income and expenses.

Bank Accounts: “Places” that hold money. Checking and savings are the main kinds. Checking accounts are used for money you plan to use soon; savings accounts are usually better for money you won’t need immediately (this month or next month).
Cash flow: The balance of money into and out of an account or set of accounts.

Balance: How much money remains in an account.

Available Balance: How much money that remains in an account that you can use (Banks will often put a “hold” on a new deposit, and you can not write a check, withdraw cash, or use a debit card for the amount on “hold” / “not available”).

Debit Cards: A card that when used to make a purchase immediately withdraws money from the account to which it is linked (like writing a check).


Credit Line


Next the class looked at the format of a check, how to write a check, and how to endorse a check.

The class then worked on the skills of entering financial transactions into a personal ledger, and began examining how a ledger can provide data for making financial decisions:

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